
Become a Lifesaver

To become a volunteer lifesaver the first award you need to gain is the Bronze Medallion. The Bronze Course includes the ability to swim in both the pool and the surf, knowledge of rescue techniques, first aid, resuscitation, and radio operation. Once you have gained your Bronze Medallion, active members are then placed onto a patrol roster and are expected to perform voluntary patrols for the Club between September and May.

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How to register

All new members must complete a Bronze Medallion course before commencing patrols to learn about the process please complete the registration form.

Register Now

Fees and Costs


Probationary Member
Persons who have not gained a SLSA award or are awaiting formal recognition of the membership category by the club committee – $100

Active Patrolling Member
(18+) includes reserve active and long service – $100
(<18) includes 15 – 17 years, cadets 13-15 years – $70

Award Patrolling Member
Includes holders of SRC, Radio Award, First Aid, Resuscitation or Advance Resuscitation Certificate & Observers – $100

Associate $110
Includes persons who may or may not hold an SLSA award but have an established association with the Club either as a Nipper (JAC) parent, the spouse/partner of a Patrolling Member or Life Members and Life Governors of the Club

Past Active Member
Includes past active persons who wish to be a member but do not perform patrol duties – $100


Member locker application must accompany payment – $50

Membership Security Fob
Membership Security Fob to access the club amenities – $30

2024-2025 Special Consideration and/or Tertiary Education

Members wishing to receive Special Consideration /Tertiary Education for the 2024-2025 season must complete the following link – Special Consideration and/or Tertiary Education Application Form

Members must re-apply annually to receive this application due to members circumstances changing from season to season.

The application is for members that cannot commit to a regular patrol roster, e.g. attend university, unpredictable weekend work or shiftwork.

Members are required to complete 45 hours per season, with half completed before 31st December. It is recommended that you are to stick to a regular patrol, but this is not compulsory.

Applications should detail information about the circumstances by the member and why this prevents them from attending a rostered patrol.

Members will be notified by the Lifesaving Committee of the decision after the monthly Board of Management meeting. 

Members are reminded that until they have received confirmation of their request, they are to continue their rostered patrolling duties or request a substitute.